Privacy and data protection is affecting individuals and companies around the world today. Technology is the first part of ...
If you’ve recently been disappointed by claims from a member of sales staff about the warranty or compatibility of a product you’ve just purchased, or shocked after opening a package from an online retailer to see that the item you received was different...
Do not fear. Building your credit is a lot less complicated than you may think. In fact, it’s mostly about doing taking steps responsible people do anyway. Think of building your credit as like setting your alarm for 6:00 in the morning and...
Most people are aware that their personal credit history and credit scores are important factors in their general financial profile, but the more specific details of what a credit report is and why it’s so important...
If you own a business, you are probably making every attempt to be as fiscally responsible as possible. By cutting unnecessary costs, you can ensure that your business has enough capital to achieve the goals that you have set for it.
If you’re like many Americans, you’re more anxious than ever about having your identity stolen. According to a 2014 Unisys Security Index, Unisys, a technology and services firm, established that 57% of U.S. citizens rated identity theft as the personal threat
Whether your brood consists of two or 20, chances are you’ve wanted to find ways to shave the monthly bills. In this day and age, saving money can seem as elusive as finding a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow.
Many people today often believe that the only way to succeed financially is to keep increasing their future income without bothering to carefully manage the income
Managing debt can be overwhelming for many of us, but it doesn’t need to be. Getting good advice on just how to manage your debt safely and securely is invaluable. You are going to want to enroll in a debt management plan that fits your current income...
Whenever a criminal obtains another person’s Social Security number, it’s like a free pass to commit all manner of identity theft, Social Security fraud, and a whole host of...
Many people are currently struggling to manage and eliminate debt. They may make their monthly payments on time, but their balances still stubbornly refuse to go down as they continue to incur more and more late fees, interest charges, and over limit fees as they just keep piling up.
When there are so many opportunities surrounding you acquire money for a variety of emergencies or unforeseen situations, it’s understandable that you may take out a few loans that you come to later regret.
With two out of every three college students using student loan money to pay for their education, if you have a college degree there is a pretty good chance you also have student loan debt. If you are one of the 40 million Americans who took out least one loan for your higher education, there are several steps...
Your credit history and credit score are powerful tools that allow you to buy a home, secure a car loan and even get good rates on insurance for your home or property. Some things you do with your credit may...
Home ownership is often associated with the American Dream. Yet, not understanding how to properly manage your mortgage can easily turn the American Dream into a nightmare. Fortunately, you can manage your mortgage better by following these 12 tips to success.
The fable of the tortoise and the hare applies well when discussing how to improve your credit score. The race is not to the swift. You’ve probably built up a long credit history showing both a constant attention to your finances and also lapses and mistakes.
Payday loans, unfortunately, have become a regular occurrence for many struggling families facing mountains of bills and paychecks that can’t all be covered. Even if money is incredibly tight and it seems impossible to save, here’s why you should avoid taking out a payday loan for any reason.
2016 experiences another evolution of information technology. There’s a higher level of cyber innovations used to create consumer scams. Scammers are getting more convincing with the use of improved technology.
Saving money doesn’t have to be a chore! While many people get stressed when thinking about budgeting, the truth is that budgeting helps to make your life less stressful and more enjoyable. Instead of thinking about what you won’t buy...
Using a credit card responsibly, by not charging more than you can afford to pay back and by paying your balance in full each month, helps you build excellent credit. But, if someone else gets a hold of your account information, your credit score can take a hit.
Bankruptcy: the word carries dread for some, a sense of relief for others and negative connotations for still others. It’s also a word that brings with it a lot of misinformation.The fact is that most people who find themselves contemplating bankruptcy are doing so because...
Today’s consumers are inundated with information, more so than other other generation in our country’s history. In addition to radio, television and...
Toretire comfortably, most sources suggest that you should save between 70 and 90 percent of your income per year that you expect to be retired. That statistic and associated savings might seem high, especially if you...
Whether you have an existing car loan or you hope to purchase a vehicle with a new one, these are significant debts to take on. They can be a fantastic way for you to build credit and to show your ability to successfully manage your credit if you use the loan in the right manner.
The first step in saving money is to draw up a budget where you spend less than you make. Doing so may require that you cut back on money spend on...
The goal of a short term loan is to provide financing for an unforeseen circumstance that is expected to improve in the foreseeable future, so the debtor...
Bankruptcy. We know that we try to avoid the process at all costs, but do we understand what bankruptcy is?
False and misleading advertisements tend to blur the line between what a product can do and what the company wants you to believe it can do. The problem is that many companies have figured out how to exaggerate a product’s benefits...
Consumer fraud has never been as widespread as it is today with identity theft and Internet scams topping the list. Fortunately, many businesses have various customers protection methods...
When it comes to managing debt, too many people key in on credit cards and student loans. Let’s delve into the topic of personal loans to help you determine if this type of loan is ideal for your particular financial situation.
Debt can feel crushing and embarrassing, and it can instill feelings of panic and fear. However, you need not feel this way. By taking a few simple steps, getting your debt under control can be as easy as 1–2–3.